update from Wired about Google being the only company so far to fight the search engine subpoena.
I never understand people who say "if you have nothing to hide, what's the problem?" Well,
my personal privacy for one, which I value above almost every other inalienable right that I have as a human being in this world. I am not a terrorist, dammit. I will not let my privacy be violated without due cause. This is exactly what
"unreasonable searches and seizure" is.
So...since other search engines have already bowed to the subpoena,
I respectfully ask that you and everyone you know stop using any web search engines except for Google, who is the only one I know so far to fight back. That means
no MSN search, Yahoo, AOL. Hell, Microsoft is in the government's pocket anyway.
As a free citizen, what you search for on the web is NOT the government's business. Guard your's another part of your personal liberty they are trying to take.
Your resident libertarian,